Frequently asked questions
Find answers to the most frequent questions and an overview of the individual subject areas.
Please check the data entered for typing errors and try again. If you have problems checking in with your Miles & More card please enter your ticket number or booking code instead.
Check if online check-in is possible for your flight
You can check in online from 47 hours before departure.
Current online check-in times for your departure location
Whether the ticket can be re-booked or refunded depends on the booked tariff and its fare provisions. For information on rebooking and cancellation, please refer to the fare selection during online booking and on your booking confirmation.
You will see a booking confirmation including the booking code on your screen and a confirmation will be sent to you by email.
To check-in times
If we do not find your bag within five days, please send the completed Baggage Questionnaire Form to
Important: List the contents of the missing bag as precisely as possible. This makes it easier for us to search for it.
You can rebook online if…
- booked your ticket online at
- ...the fare of your ticket allows you to rebook.
- ...the new flight has an Austrian flight number.
What can you rebook?
- the time
- the date
- the booking class of your ticket
What are the deadlines for rebooking?
- fully flexible ticket up to 3 hours before flight departure
- all other tickets up to 24 hours before departure
You can find all the answers that we can give you in advance in the event of last-minute changes on our page Assistance with flight irregularities.
Other questions and answers



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