Check in conveniently at home or on the move at or on the Austrian app.
Online check-in
Flight status
The take-off or landing time of a flight may vary from the flight itinerary in some cases. Enter the flight number, flight route or destination to check the current flight status.
Flight status and itinerary
Amend booking
Check the current status of your booking, check in, rebook if necessary or use many other services related to your booking.
Amend booking
Seat reservation
Window, aisle or extra legroom: Choose your seat in advance — when booking or later on.
To seat reservation
Rebook quickly and easily: call up the booking now and make changes.
To rebooking
Cancellations & refunds
Plans change: cancel your flight booking and request a refund.
To cancellation & refund
Request invoice
Download your passenger receipt and print it directly.
Request invoice
Delayed or damaged baggage
Contact us immediately if your bag has been damaged, is delivered too late or not at all after your arrival. We will help you quickly and with as little red tape as possible.