Entry regulations to the USA

Find out about the entry regulations to the USA in good time. Check whether you fulfil the conditions for a visa-free entry. Otherwise, the visa requirement applies. You can find helpful information here.
Requirements for a visa-free entry into the USA
- You are a citizen of a country participating in the Visa Waiver Programme and you are not affected by any of the exceptions.
- Your passport fulfils the criteria demanded by the USA.
- You possess an ESTA travel permit and are not affected by any of the exceptions.
Visa Waiver Programme member states
The countries listed below belong to the Visa Waiver Programme (ESTA). The citizens of these countries can enter the USA without a visa and stay there for up to 90 days.
All travellers who fall under the Visa Waiver Programme must carry a biometric passport (with an E-chip) with them when travelling.
Exceptions: Excluded from the Visa Waiver Programme are, among others, travellers
- who were in Cuba on or after 12 January 2021
- who were in North Korea, Iran or Syria on or after 1 March 2011
- who, as dual citizens, hold citizenship of one of these countries.
ESTA travel permit
For a visa-free entry into the USA you are obliged to show your ESTA electronic travel permit. Without this document, you will be denied entry. Apply for the travel permit online no later than 72 hours before departure. It is valid for two years and for multiple entries, provided your passport does not expire within this period. Update your details and travel destinations at any time on the ESTA website. These changes are subject to a charge of USD 21 per entry.
Exceptions: Already issued ESTA travel permits lose their validity
- if you were in Cuba on or after 12 January 2021
- if you were in North Korea, Iran or Syria on or after 1 March 2011
- if, as a dual citizen, you hold citizenship of one of these countries.
API data collection
Airlines are obliged to transfer the data of all passengers to the US authorities on the day of departure. This takes place via the Advanced Passenger Information System (APIS). Among other things, your personal details (name, passport number, date of birth, etc.) and your contact details in the USA are collected. Providing accurate and complete information saves you any inconvenience at your destination airport. The easiest way to transfer your data is online in advance. If this is not possible, they will be collected at the check-in machine or when checking in at the counter.
Transportation Security Administration (TSA)
Anyone travelling to the USA is obliged to provide their details to the US Transportation Security Administration (TSA). These will be compared with the so-called watch lists. The details are your full name, date of birth and gender (legal basis is 49 U.S.C section 114 of the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004, and 49 C.F.R parts 1540 and 1560). Persons who do not provide these details can be denied transport or access to the gate. Travellers with a redress number must provide this.
The TSA may match the details you have provided with those of law enforcement agencies, intelligence services or other authorities (under its published records system).
Full information about the data protection guidelines of the TSA, its records system and privacy impact assessment can be found at www.tsa.gov.