Unforeseen circumstances such as a delay, gate change or a flight cancellation can happen. Check your flight status and current flight information here.
Flight status & Itinerary
Stay informed on the move
We do our best every day to get you to your destination on time. Unfortunately, we cannot rule out unforeseen changes, but our passengers can get up-to-the-minute information about the current status of their flight.

Push message by email and text
Get information about any changes automatically. No registration is required for this: simply quote your mobile phone number or email address at the time of booking. By the way, this is still possible right up until departure via "My bookings". We will inform Miles & More customers via the contact details you have provided. Please ensure that you always keep these up to date. We will inform you of possible gate changes at Vienna Airport from two hours before departure and immediately about flight cancellations and delays of over 30 minutes.

Status info via the Austrian app
With the Austrian app you can not only book flights, check in by mobile and save your mobile boarding pass. You can also check whether your aircraft is on time in the "Flight status" area at any time. We will inform you of possible gate changes at Vienna Airport from two hours before departure and immediately about flight cancellations and delays of over 30 minutes.